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Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Forex Factory Calendar - An Efficient Tool For the Trader
The rate of currencies in the forex market always moves in trends. A trend occurs in a forex market due to economic situations and flow of capital internationally. Trends are used in the forex market to identify the direction of prices in a forex market. Forex factory calendar analyzes various technical indicators and can predict the upcoming trends in a forex market. This would help a forex trader to take decisions to trade in the market at the most suitable situation.
Forex factory calendar is prepared using the fundamental reports from the market. It gives a comprehensive view of the market. The interest rate of various currencies is represented so that a trader interested to carry trade can get benefits. Understanding factors like the volatility of trade that can be expected, how fast and the rate at which a currency is vulnerable etc. would help a trader to excel in the forex market. Forex factory calendar is prepared by teams of qualified and experienced research analysts. They check reports, follow the latest news, trends and consult other experienced traders, before preparing the calendar.
Forex investment is rising as a major investment strategy all over the world due to the facilities provided by a number of quality online trading companies. They provide various trading solutions with more secure, efficient and manageable applications. Forecasting the conditions of the forex market is the biggest challenge to all online companies. Forex factory calendar is dependable due to the depth of scientific analysis done on the market by experts. Forex factory calendar is one of the most inexpensive tools that can help monitor the market movement correctly.
Forex on Autopilot - Does it Really Work
Let's look at this logically. The majority of people that trade forex, lose money. Chances are, these are people that are following the market and able to hear about the international and economic news that is going on. Well, if people that can actually read, follow, and understand the news still fail miserably, how likely is machine going to be able to follow the news.
But, really the most obvious problem with trading forex on autopilot is that the trading decisions are based on lagging indicators. Lagging indicators tell you what has already happened in the markets. The only work after the price has already moved. I personally must have tried dozens and dozens of these types of systems and I can say with great certainty the majority just don't work.
The markets are a living, breathing thing. You need to be able to understand how and why they move. There are no shortcuts when it comes to this. A fancy trading robot isn't going to cut it. Believe me, if the day ever comes when an autopilot robot can have as much success trading forex as a person, i will be the first one to sign up. Until then, I'll have to pass.
Is Mini Forex Trading Less Risky?
Most forex brokers provide several options when it comes to forex accounts. One of which is called mini forex account and it is usually requires a small deposit compared to standard forex account. Mini forex account is usually considered a connecting bridge for new forex traders that had enough practicing their trading skills with demo accounts, but not yet really to open a standard account.
Mini forex deposit requirement might be small but it still allows you to trade large amounts of currency. This is done via margin and the usual margin requirement for mini forex is about 1%. It sounds too good to be true but it might turn into one of the forex trading hell unless you understand the risks. You might think that depositing small will not get you in trouble and that is the kind of thinking that you should avoid. You should fully understand the margin terms and requirements of your forex broker. If the requirements are not listed on the site make sure to discuss it with your forex broker and get the straight answers.
Margin allows you to trade larger amount of currency then you actually have in your deposited funds. As mentioned previously margin requirement is usually 1% but it is possible to get lower requirements such as 0.5% or higher, such as 2% or 5%.
The problem with margin is that your trading positions might get partially or completely disabled in case your available margin gets below the required amount. This is called guaranteed limited risk - safety feature that prevents forex brokers from losing more money than they have in the account. If your margin requirement is up to 200:1 leverage, it means that you, forex trader, needs to have about half percent of the position value you hold in your trading account for each currency lot traded. This is a good enough reason for you to always check your margin balance and set stop-loss orders on every trading position. This will minimize the risk.
Mini forex is indeed an ultimate alternative to futures or stock trading, but it doesn't eliminate the risk involved. However with a good forex trading strategy you can easily turn your $50 deposit into thousands.
If you think that mini forex is for poor you are seriously mistaken. Mini forex trading is a convenient option for forex traders. Despite small deposit you can win big, but at the same time you can lose a lot too.
When you consider trading with mini forex account make sure to understand all the sacrifices that will be required from your side! Forex brokers give traders an option of margin trading, but it definitely doesn't come as a free gift! Investigate all the terms and rules and decide if trading small is not turning into unnecessary expenses.
Forex Online Trading Systems - The Engine of Trading
As a guide, Forex online trading systems make their mark behind your trading. Rules, ideas, philosophies all fall into either your own personal system or someone else's system. Since the Internet is the home base to most forex transactions. Many developments of online trading systems have become a common practice with most forex traders. All people are out to find what they call the "Holy Grail", a system that leads them to the most profits and least risk. If you believe there is such thing, that is on you.
Forex online trading systems are always readily available on the Internet. Most of them you can find for free on others web pages, forums, or with a basic search in the search engines. Others may charge you for there system since they believe that is a very profitable set of rules that could make you beyond wealthy from the forex market.
It is a common perception that to be able to truly become wealthy through trading the FX , one needs to have a proven trading system. That's why so many traders spend more of their time testing new systems than actually trading the markets. It is the brain behind your investment and once you build that brain with your knowledge and techniques, it does the rest of the work for you.
FX trading systems are more popular now that almost everyone has access to a computer and internet. Unlike the stock exchange, the FX does not have a particular place for trading to take place. While trading takes place all over the world, online trading makes this process more convenient than ever.
Transactions in the FX are traded very rapidly, plus it is open around the clock on every business day of the year. Trading begins every morning in Sydney, Australia and as the business day in each country begins, the trading opens around the world. Online trading allows banks, financial institutions, brokers and speculators to trade their currency rapidly and with ease. FX online trading system is also a popular way to change foreign currency because it happens in real time with no delay.
Also, another tip to learning to trade is to study the news, including international news and news relating to politics, economics and finances. Inflation, changes in government and taxes just to name a few all affect the Forex on a daily basis. It is crucial to understand how these changes affect trading and the value of currency.
Because Forex makes exchanging foreign currency so easy and accessible to millions of people, many are trying to learn the ins and outs of the Forex. Brokers and financial institutions can offer advice on investing in the Forex. Brokers will also do the actual trading for the consumer, however, many are willing to learn to trade on their own. When learning about online trading it is imperative to understand everything there is to know about the Forex. Many online websites can offer potential traders tutorials and demos on how to get started in online trading. Practicing on the demos helps speculators learn the basics of Forex trading.
Forex Trading Software - Choosing The Best
The first and foremost aspect that you need to look for in trading software is whether or it provides for a 'live' platform for trading. This apart there are other components of the software that you need to check for too. Perhaps the most important component that you should check for while going in for forex trading software is the security component. It is always preferable to go in for online trading software that includes something known as a 128 bit SSL encryption. This ensures that hackers cannot access any of your personal information such as your transaction history and your account balance.
While shopping for forex software you should always choose a company which provides for round-the-clock technical support. This is important since you could need trouble shooting assistance at literally any time when you are trading in the forex market. You should also go in for forex trading software that provides for daily backup of all the information that is processed when you trade. There are other devices such as fingerprint scanners and smart cards that are used by some forex companies in order to ensure that only certain people have access to information through their servers.
Another important factor that you need to consider when choosing software is to check for the company's downtime. Your forex trading software should be reliable and also available for use round-the-clock. Advancing computer technology has enabled the field of forex trading to become more user- friendly. The technology in this field continues to advance at a rapid pace. It has in fact advanced to such an extent that many of us can now handle forex trading even while on the move with the help of mobile telephony devices. These rapid technological advancements are excellent additions to this already popular investment vehicle. You can find numerous online guides which can help you to choose the right forex trading software.
Making A Killing With Forex Day Trading
Forex day trading allows a trader to open an account for themselves for as less as 250$. The amount that is needed to open an account varies from one company to company. There are several agencies that have brokers mediating a firm or an individual to the market. Brokers are people who educate individuals and firms to work there way through the market. The work of a broker is to help traders to get through the market without suffering much loss. Certain forex agencies also provide traders with forex software's. This software's show's the ups and down's of the currency values in the form of graphs, chart diagrams and data flow diagrams. They are very efficient in bringing out the current statistics of the currencies. In a forex day trade currencies are often traded in fixed pairs, the main currencies traded being dollars, pounds, euros and yen. These are normally traded against dollars.
Only after the internet forex trading becoming so popular, was there an opportunity for even commoners to trade. Until then only co-operate firms and large financial institutions was able to trade in the forex market. Forex now has become so simple that certain traders have taken it as a hobby. With the help of the vast number of software's available they are able to predict the changes in the market and make alterations in there trade accordingly. The forex day trading is similar to what is called as the future's market. The advantage here is that the liquidity that is offered here is higher and the risk factor is lower due to the lesser investments. Forex can be a very serious carrier option for those who can invest high amounts and can play the market well. The profits that can be obtained depend on an individual's skill and the experience that they have obtained by being in the market.
Learn Forex Trading The Right Way!
First off, in the Forex market there are three levels. We have the brokerage accountants, the real accountants and the students. The brokerage accountants are the brokers who let the buyers and the sellers to trade there currencies. They mediate between two firms or individuals. They are the Market Makers who will set the currency values and will help the traders to trade. The real accountants are the clients who are investing in the market in order to try to get some profits from the same. The students are beginners who are trying to understand the market with the help of training courses, simulators and the like.
Forex Market should not be confused with the stock market. Stock market is one where users deal with stocks and try to make profits with the increase in the stock values, forex deals with making profits with the increase in the currencies. It is more of an objective market. In the forex market if the participants want to change or manipulate the values of the currencies for certain purposes, they can do so by operating with billions of dollars or any other currency. Since it operates on such high values the manipulation of a single participant in the market is not a possibility. But the liquidity of this market allows both sides of traders to open and close the situations. The time that a trader will occupy a position is highly arbitrary and is dependent upon the strategies that he follows through out the trading. It is also important to note the fluctuations in the currency values.
Another important term which we'll come across when we are learning about forex trading is Margin Trading. Margin Trading is where traders trade with borrowed amounts. It allows traders to start trading with lesser capitals than what is normally allowed. It reduces the overhead expenses of having to transfer money and enables the traders to open there positions with lesser amounts of U.S dollars thus buying and selling other currencies. In forex it is not necessary to actually buy some currencies to sell it later. It is enough for the traders to actually open the positions for buying and selling without having any. But even to open positions it is necessary to invest a certain amount in dollars. The major currencies that are traded in the forex are euro, yen, pound, franc all of which are traded against dollars.
These are the basics that need to be understood to learn forex.
Tips on Getting Started in Forex Trading
An investor’s goal in forex trading is to generate profit from the movement of foreign currency and is typically done in currency pairs. When trading foreign currencies, you should always remember to trade only if you expect the value of the currency you are investing in or buying to increase. If the currency you bought increases in value, you must then simply sell the other currency so as to gain a profit. An open trade, also referred to as an open position, is a type of trade where in a trader has bought or sold a certain currency pair but is still yet to sell or buy back its equivalent amount.
It is estimated that about 70% to 90% of the foreign exchange market is speculative. This means that the individual or institution that has sold or bought the currency has no definite plan of taking a delivery of the currency; instead, these traders are exclusively speculating on that specific currency’s movement.
If you are new to this domain, you might find yourself at a loss once you have decided to take on the foreign exchange market. Firstly, you should know that the forex trading provides its investors more chances to earn and generate profit as compared to the stock market. Money moves relatively faster in forex trading which prevents any single investor from affecting the market price too much. Trading also opens and closes within seconds – something not possible in the stock market. Here are a few tips on how to get started on forex trading.
To begin trading, you will need to create a Forex account. This can be done by filling in an application form and signing the margin agreement which allows the broker to step in at any point in time. You will then have to come up with a trading strategy that works for you. Different traders use different strategies, and no one strategy is guaranteed to work for everyone. So, do not just copy a trading strategy from a successful investor, instead, find the right style for yourself.
Study and understand the trends and movement of prices. You may also opt to study historical trends to gain a deeper understanding of the movement of the prices of currency. Getting familiar with the top five currency pairs is also important. These currency pairs are USD/Yen, Euro/Yen, Pound/USD, Swiss franc/USD, and the Euro/USD.
Now that you have a bit of insight into the world of forex trading, you should get in there and start churning in your profits.
The Hidden Dangers of Forex Trading
The forex market is so huge that it may not be possible for an individual to be aware of the crucial changes that occur all over such as exchange rate fluctuations, political influences, and economic factors. Even the experienced bankers and traders can not predict how these changes can affect your trade.
But this step has to be taken very cautiously as the forex trading is highly volatile, it is very, very large that it is easy for you to miss a turn that affect your investment, it is unpredictable, and has high risk involved.
Forex trading involves dealing with the currencies of different countries. It is buying or selling of one currency for another at a rate both parties have decided. This trading involves different parties from different countries all over the world. So the area is very vast and to keep track of every move takes a lot of time, alertness, and a realistic approach to the different strategies. You have to have access to the latest issues and trends that keep changing at very high speed. Your success lies in how fast you can act upon an information to your benefit.
The fact that forex trading is all about making a fast buck, it posed the danger of you getting addicted to this just like in gambling and it is open to whoever is willing throughout the day, throughout the year.
Only large banks were dealing with foreign currencies previously. Globalization and relaxation of foreign exchange rules make it possible for anyone to enter the forex trade. With this the market achieved more liquidity and more active as the trade is happening all over the world with no time limit.
The dark side of it is that the market became so huge, and the changes are so unpredictable that it is very hard to keep a watch on every move that is happening. Those who are smart enough to understand the market better, do well and the others who can not lose money. So the time management is very crucial here.
For your free course teaching you exactly how to succeed with forex trading using simple and effective forex trading systems simply go to http://forex-trading-platform.org
Forex Brotherhood Review - Don't Be a Sucker For Scams
This article is more of an overview than a review of the Forex Brotherhood. Forex Brotherhood is a club of elite forex traders out there to help you get the education that you so desperately need to succeed at forex trading. Now, some of you might think, yeah right another scam and to tell you the truth this makes me very furious! The forex is a fantastic financial opportunity for people and because of these scammers, they miss out on a good way to learn to make money.
The Forex Brotherhood is not a place that promises you huge returns, it's a place to help educate you and help you to learn the rights and wrongs, and the dos and don'ts of the forex industry. This group of elite forex traders have 20 plus years of trading experience behind them, these guys are not going to show you how much money they make or tell you how much you are going to make, this club is all about showing you how to make it the right way.
A little bit about whats inside the Forex Brotherhood Club, you will get 2 daily live web casts, one in the AM and one in the PM, a custom made automated advisor, 2 hot daily reports and a very active live forex forum, where all the hot trends are talked about.
The Brotherhood may not be the only pro forex membership club, however due to both demand, and resources and the team involved, it's easy to see why they are bar none the best, offer the most, and charge YOU the least! If it wasn't for the group behind the Brotherhood, you and others like you would either pay upwards of $10,000.00 for a deliverables list like this, or get stuck being taught by a nobody in the industry.
So remember, Forex scams do exist. Be wary of them and hold onto your money. The good news is that there are legitimate Forex clubs out there. Forex Brotherhood is currently the only one that combines a live broadcast and a daily documented market action (twice a day!) with the rest of their deliverable.
How to Find the Best Forex Software For Maximum Profits
This is indeed on the minds of so many traders in the market. However, getting your hands on the best software there is could spell trouble for a lot of traders. Not only does the market have a lot of Forex platforms for sale, it is also laden with a lot of scammer applications. So, how do you protect yourself from these scammers?
The wisest thing you can do to protect yourself is to read the terms and conditions of the software as thoroughly as needed. After all, you will be the one using the software, so you should take the time to check out all that the software has to offer. More often than not, when choosing amongst the many brands and versions, you will find some that actually just offer simulated trading. This means that all the trading you do with the software is just simulated; no real time or live trading takes place at all. You cannot really blame the vendor of this particular application because this "simulated" feature is included in the stipulation that you agreed to prior to using the application. This feature would most probably be included in the fine print, which you should have read thoroughly before doing any signing. Thus, you best prepare yourself in this aspect, so that you would not have to deal with such a problem.
Aside from that, you should also look for software that has autopilot features. Really, what is the purpose of getting Forex software if not for the automated features that they offer in the first place? This allows traders to have more time for themselves instead of constantly being on the lookout for any activity in the market. Just leave the software running and your trading will not stop while you go out and run errands on your own time.
The best Forex software should also be consistent. Human as we are, we cannot really be as consistent as we should be. Fortunately, Forex software can really boast of extreme consistency because there is no room for human errors here. And these are just some of the many features that should comprise the best software for Forex trading.
The Best Forex Software is what works the best for you by meeting your individual trade needs. We are all unique and have our own needs and the required software is no different.
Regardless of which softwares you choose, if you are beginning forex trading, it is good idea to use Forex Robots to help make some profits while learning the ropes.
However not all softwares are equal. The best way to get started is to read Forex Robots reviews.
Learning to Trade Forex Without Any Indicators
Well, if you are learning to trade forex, one thing should become evident. There are about a million different systems,trading robots, and indicators for you to choose from in the marketplace. Seems daunting, doesn't it? Well, that's how they want it to be. Here's is a little statistic for you: 9 out of 10 traders fail to make money forex trading. The majority fail miserably. So how could that be the case? If there is so many systems and indicators that do all the work for you, why the low success rate? Because there is no better indicator than your own eyes.
You can see what's happening in the markets. Why on earth do you need all these indicators that are basically nothing more than filler? All these indicators are used so people don't have to think for themselves. They do the thinking for you! What's the point of that? I'm sure one day we'll have cars that can drive themselves, but we're not there yet. So why would you let an indicator make your trading decisions for you?
If you are interested in learning to trade forex, do yourself a big favor and completely clear out your charts of indicators. Just look at what the market is doing. Don't try to force anything. Just sit there and watch it. You'll begin to notice the market talking to you. You'll see patterns repeat themselves constantly. It's all there in black and white for you to see. It happens every single day. The shame is most traders never take the time to learn that. Otherwise they wouldn't be spending thousands of dollars on "magical" indicators that supposedly do all the work for them.
Jim Buhs has been a successful forex trader after learning how to trade price action. He was able to have forex trading success after he cleaned his charts of indicators, and his profits soared.
The Silicon Forex Review
What is Silicon Forex? Have you ever heard of an automated algorithm or an automated forex trading robot? If you are just a beginner in forex trading, a forex robot or automated forex trading system has been widely used by many forex trader to simply prevent their own emotions to get involved in their own trading. And this is actually what is Silicon Forex. It is an automated forex robot created to allow anyone without having to trade on forex market 24/7 a day completely on autopilot. This powerful software has been the result of the team up of an expert trader and a computer engineer. This is so powerful because it was consider as a trading system that has been created based on the best technologies ever. It is a 100% mechanical forex trading system that only knew one thing and that is to give traders profits.
How can you benefit from Silicon Forex? Silicon Forex removes your total involvement. It was designed completely without any human intervention. Meaning to say, you can actually trade even in any country in the world, in any metatrader platform and even without monitoring your trades for long hours. You can surely make profits with this automated forex trading system.
What I like about Silicon Forex is that it has a solid money management system. It will really point you the accurate time to enter and exit your trades. It is not based on guess or pure luck. Proven and tested. The system is so easy to use. No trading experience needed and you can actually set up the whole thing in less than 5 minutes. The system doesn't required you to invest a lot of money. You can try it using virtual money. You can also start with as little as $100. And the best thing is that you can actually switch it on/off. It was designed for 9-5ers, beginners and novice traders. I like the system because it has a proven track records that it can actually give trader profits.
Now, as a tip to avoid getting scam by many automated forex trading systems that have been spreading online, if you are really serious about using an automated trading robot, you should look for something that is so unique. You should look for a system that has been a solid management rules. Look for a trading system that offers real customer and technical support that can assist you in any problem that you may encounter. And this is also where Silicon Forex stand out, because of it having the best customer support that are always ready to answer your query. Be it was all about finding the right brokers, general question, installation guide, technical support and forex trading information, they can actually help you 24/7 in your forex trading.
How many automated forex trading systems have you already tried? Do all of these systems give you any profits? I know that you are skeptical about trying new forex trading system. I know that you are fed up with the many forex trading scam. But, Silicon Forex is the real thing and this is not a forex scam. Many forex traders already making a lot of profit from it. If you want to look for it's profitability, you can watch the live proof. And with Silicon Forex unique ability to see the accurate profitable trading opportunity, no wonder you can make your own wealth in just a very short period of time.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Currency Trading Advice

When you get your first forex platform, you're going to have the ability to use what is called a demo account. These are great because they allow you to simulate making trades in the real live market. The reason this is great is because you can practice strategies for hundreds of trades until you're confident it is good enough. Along with making a lot of these real live trades, you can the experience necessary to become a better currency trader.
The next thing you need to understand is that you need to be calculated. All this means is you're not going to make decisions on gut feelings or here say. You're going to do it on calculated numbers. This is the emotionless way to trade. With that said, you need to always reflect on your trades, like you were a poker player. Often in poker, as with currency trading, you will make all the right moves and still lose. You need to reflect knowing that you made the right move and 9 out of 10 times you would of profited.
Lastly, you'll want to avoid trades with tiny margins. When you're new, you don't want to make big trades because there is a potential to lose big money. The fact is that small trades are subject to just about the same fees to the broker as are big ones. You don't have to make big trades, but stay away from extremely small ones that end up with the profit being eaten up by the broker.
Work From Home Trading Forex

Forex Trading is a great way to work from home because you do not require having your own product, building a website or buying a domain name. one way of trading forex without so much stress is through the use of autopilot system which trades your account for you.
Trading forex simply means buying and selling currency pairs simultaneously, meaning that you buy one and sell the other at the same time. By using an autopilot system what you are doing is simply handing over control to mathematically designed complex algorithms which will analyse the market data and enter trades on your behalf. Most of the systems live up to their name by not requiring any sort of attention from you, although you must set them up properly the first time.
Trading forex using the autopilot system might require that you download a piece of software that runs on various famous trading platforms. Some of them also allow you to start trading with capital as little as $100 and in some cases even less than that. Because the forex market is open 24 hours majority of the forex autopilot system can run on your computer for 24 hours non stop but it might require that you keep your system on.
Deciding to start forex trading as a work at home opportunity using forex autopilot system, you must ensure that you set up the system properly from the start. Most of the programs take about 15-20 minutes to set up and once it is set up you are ready to start trading. Using a forex autopilot in most cases might require for you to either use the default trade settings or to select your trade setting. If you are knowledgeable in forex trading then it will be wise to select a setting that will suit your trading account, but if you do not have any previous trading knowledge you might be better off using the default setting with the recommended account value.
Top Forex Trader Advice

When should I trade?
You should trade during peak hours. This is the time when most people trade, so there is the highest volume. I know when it comes to business, people usually suggest to not follow the crowd, but I'll explain in this case. There is such a high volume of trades, the currencies really do follow market forces or "the invisible hand". During the lower volume times (off peak hours) big banks and firms with a lot of money can make trades that affect the direction of the market. The last thing you want to do is trade at this time because they can make a currency go up or down, which is very unstable for you.
I don't seem to be making much on my profitable trades, and I seem to lose more when I make bad trades. Why?
Well, skill could very well be the problem. Assuming you're a good trader, than you probably have poor margins to make profits. Basically your broker needs to be paid for trades, and they take a cut, which is the difference between bid and ask prices. As you know, the broker is going to get paid no matter what, so your losses are often worse and your profits are often small. All you need to do is make larger trades that are for more money. This reduces the percentage taken by the broker and you should notice that your profits will be more and losses should be less(as a percentage).
What do I do when I make a bad trade?
Just cut your losses. This is probably one of the most simple rules you could take in, but most people have a hard time with it. Just sell it and move on.
This is my top forex trader advice and I hope this makes you into a great trader.
Forex Day Trader Advice

Trade at peak hours: This is important. Peak hours start right after the morning news and this is the point of the day when the trading volume is the highest. You're probably wondering why you should do it when everyone else is doing. Well, the reason is simple, the volume is so high, no bank or big firm can make massive trades that would end up altering the direction of a currency. Buying and selling of currency will affect the direction of the currency, but when the volume is so high, it is next to impossible for a big bank to make a massive trade that could move it in a specific direction. At off peak hours, this is the case. Big banks will come in with massive trades that will cause a currency to move up and down. As a little guy, you're not going to have the money a bank has to make these trades, so you're limited. Just avoid this time and just stick to peak hours.
Have healthy margins: It's surprising how much people just don't work on having healthy profit margins. People make small trades and most of their profit goes to the broker. This is a poor tactic and it will deceive you into thinking you're worse at trading than you really are. A broker gets their pay from the difference between bid and ask prices. These prices are practically a flat rate no matter how much you trade at, so make sure you're getting healthy margins.
Don't hesitate on cutting your losses: Losses are inevitable, but the difference between the profitable trader and the losing trader is that the profitable trade limits the damage of a loss. This is why it is essential to cut your losses and move onto a better trade.
How To Write A Successful Business Plan

Although writing a business plan can be a lengthy, intimidating project, it is not necessarily difficult. Here is an overview of how to write a successful business plan.
What to Include in Your Business Plan
Your business plan needs to demonstrate that you have thoroughly considered all aspects of running your business. To that end, the standard business plan has nine major sections, covering everything from your business’s mission statement to a detailed financial analysis.
Executive Summary
The first – and most important – section of your business plan is the executive summary. This section is so important that it should literally be the first thing the reader sees – even before the table of contents! However, it should also be written last, as you’ll have a better understanding of the overall message of your business plan after you’ve researched and written the other sections.
One of the most important parts of the executive summary is the mission statement. The mission statement is only three or four sentences long, but it should pack the most punch out of everything else in your business plan: Those four sentences are responsible for not only defining your business, but also capturing the interest of your reader.
The rest of your executive summary should fill in the important details that the mission statement glosses over. For instance, your executive summary should include a short history of the business, including founder profiles and start date; a current snapshot, listing locations, numbers of employees, and products or services offered; and a summary of future plans and goals.
This section is a candidate for a bulleted format, which allows you to list main points in a manner that is easy to scan. Avoid using too much detail – remember, this section is a summary. A page or two is usually sufficient for an executive summary.
Market Analysis
The next section of your business plan focuses on market analysis. In order to show that your business has a reasonable chance for success, you will need to thoroughly research the industry and the market you intend to sell to. No bank or investor is going to back a doomed venture, so this section is sure to fall under especially close scrutiny if you are looking for financing.
Your market analysis should describe your industry, including the size, growth rate, and trends that could affect the industry. This section should also describe your target market – that is, the type or group of customers that your company intends to serve. The description of your target market should include detail such as:
• Distinguishing characteristics
• The needs your company or product line will meet
• What media and/or marketing methods you’ll use to reach them
• What percentage of your target market you expect to be able to wrest away from your competitors
In addition, your market analysis should include the results of any market tests you have done, and an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors.
Company Description
After your market analysis, your business plan will need to include a description of your company. This section should describe:
• The nature of your business
• The needs of the market
• How your business will meet these needs
• Your target market, including specific individuals and/or organizations
• The factors that set you apart from your competition and make you likely to succeed
Although some of these things overlap with the previous section, they are still necessary parts of your company description. Each section of your business plan should have the ability to stand on its own if need be. In other words, the company description should thoroughly describe your company, even if certain aspects are covered in other sections.
Organization and Management
Once you have described the nature and purpose of your company, you will need to explain your staff setup. This section should include:
• The division of labor – how company processes are divided among the staff
• The management hierarchy
• Profiles of the company’s owner(s), management personnel, and the Board of Directors
• Employee incentives, such as salary, benefits packages, and bonuses
This goal of this section is to demonstrate not only good organization within the company, but also the ability to create loyalty in your employees. Long-term employees minimize human resource costs and increase a business’s chances for success, so banks and investors will want to see that you have an effective system in place for maintaining your staff.
Marketing and Sales Management
The purpose of the marketing and sales section of your business plan is to outline your strategies for marketing your products or services. This section also plans for company growth by describing how the growth could take place.
The section should describe your company’s:
• Marketing methods
• Distributions methods
• Type of sales force
• Sales activities
• Growth strategies
Product or Services
Following the marketing section of your business plan, you will need a section focusing on the product or services your business offers. This is more than a simple description of your product or services, though. You will also need to include:
• The specific benefits your product or service offers customers
• The specific needs of the market, and how your product will meet them
• The advantages your product has over your competitors
• Any copyright, trade secret, or patent information pertaining to your product
• Where any new products or services are in the research and development process
• Current industry research that you could use in the development of products and services
Funding Request
Only once you have described your business from head to toe are you ready to detail your funding needs. This section should include everything a bank or investor needs in order to understand what type of funding you want:
• How much money you need now
• How much money you think you will need over the next five years
• How the money you borrow will be used
• How long you will need funding
• What type of funding you want (i.e. loans, investors, etc.)
• Any other terms you want the funding arrangement to include
The financials section in your business plan supports your request for outside funding. This section provides an analysis of your company’s prospective financial success. The section also details your company’s financial track record for the past three to five years, unless you are seeking financing for a startup business.
The financials section should include:
• Company income statements for prior years
• Balance sheets for prior years
• Cash flow statements for prior years
• Forecasted company income statements
• Forecasted balance sheets
• Forecasted cash flow statements
• Projections for the next five years – every month or quarter for the first year, with longer intervals for the remaining years
• Collateral you can use to secure a loan
The financials section is a great place to include visuals such as graphs, particularly if you predict a positive trend in your projected financials. A graph allows the reader to quickly take in this information, and may do a better job of encouraging a bank or investor to finance your business. However, be sure that the amount of financing you are requesting is in keeping with your projected financials – no matter how impressive your projections are, if you are asking for more money than is warranted, no bank or investor will give it to you.
The appendix is the final section in your business plan. Essentially, this is where you put all of the information that doesn’t fit in the other eight sections, but that someone – particularly a bank or investor – might need to see.
For instance, the market analysis section of your business plan may list the results of market studies you have done as part of your market research. Rather than listing the details of the studies in that section, where they will appear cumbersome and detract from the flow of your business plan, you can provide this information in an appendix.
Other information that should be relegated to an appendix includes:
• Credit histories for both you and your business
• Letters of reference
• References that have bearing on your company and your product or service, such as magazines or books on the topic
• Company licenses and patents
• Copies of contracts, leases, and other legal documents
• Resumes of your top managers
• Names of business consultants, such as your accountant and attorney
Writing a Successful Business Plan
Despite the quantity of information contained in your business plan, it should be laid out in a format that is easy to read. Just like with any piece of business writing, it is important to craft your business plan with your intended audience in mind – and the bankers, investors, and other busy professionals who will read your business plan almost certainly won’t have time to read a tedious document with long-winded paragraphs and large blocks of text.
Business plans for startup companies and company expansions are typically between twenty to forty pages long, but formatting actually accounts for a lot of this length. A strong business plan uses bullet points throughout to break up long sections and highlight its main points. Visuals such as tables and charts are also used to quickly relay specific information, such as trends in sales and other financial information. These techniques ensure that the reader can skim the business plan quickly and efficiently.
Think of your audience as only having fifteen minutes to spend on each business plan that comes across their desks. In that fifteen minutes, you not only have to relay your most important points, but also convince the reader that your business venture merits a financial investment. Your best bet is a well-researched business plan, with an organized, easy-to-read format and clear, confident prose.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Trade Forex On Auto Pilot With This Proven Free Forex Trading System

The system is Richard Donchian's 4 Week rule and has been the basis of many successful trading systems around the world.
Big fans included trading legends such as Richard Dennis, so if its good enough for him its good enough for you!
The system was originally developed in the late 70s to trade commodities but can be used on any trending market and currencies trend well.
Now this system is so simple it consists of just one rule and here it is:
1) Close any short positions and go long whenever the price exceeds the highs of the previous 4 calendar weeks.
2) Close any long positions and go short whenever the price falls below the lows of the previous 4 calendar weeks.
If the system is run with a SAR (stop and reverse), the above system will always maintain a position in the market (either long or short).
Does it work?
Back test and you will see it does.
Of course it works very well in trending markets ensuring you are on the right side of every big move -
but like all trading systems there is a downside:
It will get whipped in a choppy sideways market and here you may wish to consider some filters:
A common solution to this problem is to enter on the 4 week rule (the breakout), and to exit on a shorter time frame such as 1 or 2 weeks.
Traders can also use other exit rules i.e. exit when a moving average is broken. For example, applying a 10-day moving average as the exit - A 10-day moving average is one-half of the entry signal (four weeks is of course 20 trading days) is period we like. You can also experiment with ADX RSI and MACD filters if you wish.
Many traders ignore this system; after all it's not trendy or complex like chaos theory or artificial intelligence based systems, or full of mystical nonsense like Gann, Elliot Wave or Fibonacci - but it works.
Simple systems work better than complicated ones as they have fewer elements to break. If you are interested in making money long term and have a disciplined nature you will like this system.
If you believe complexity will beat the markets, they move to a scientific theory or enjoy the buzz of trading frequently - you won't like it - This system is all about making money long term in a disciplined fashion.
The 4 week rule is simple you can customize it to restrict losses, by adding filter and it will have you on the right side of every major move - do that and you have great profit potential.
So if you want to trade forex on autopilot and make big long term gains, consider this free system and you maybe glad you did.
Understanding The Various Types Of Currency

It may not be the usual paper money that we are used to using, but they still use something in order to purchase or trade items. Living in this world depends on having money. Learning all about money can make a person smarter and more knowledgeable about the inner workings of the foreign markets around the world.
One type of currency that is prevalent in more than one country is the euro. The euro is used as the main form of money in over fifteen nations in Europe and became a reality in early 1999. When it took over, it replaced items such as the franc and the deutschmark.
The euro was created for several different reasons and one can learn all about this unique monetary form at "Ec Europa". The part of the website that is dedicated to the euro is very informative.
To find out more about global forms of money, a visit to "Fact Monster" will be informative. This site is mainly intended for children to do research for their classes, but one can learn much information from this site. For example, a person can learn that Poland uses zloty as their main form of money and Russia has the ruble. Also available on this website are links to more detailed information about the countries listed.
Currency fluctuations can affect the foreign markets around the world. However, if one does not understand the various types of money that are in existence around the world, then they can become lost in the world markets.
If one is looking to make money in the markets, then the internet is the place to begin educating one self. By understanding all one can about the world markets, the foreign exchange and how the foreign exchange rate works, then perhaps one can dabble in some currency trading.
Automatic Forex Trading - Use These Simple Tips To Pick The Best Trading Systems

The first point to make is that most of the automatic forex trading software on the net simply won't make you money, if you think you are going to get rich for the price of a night out your mistaken.
Forex trading is not east that's why 95% of traders lose money and while automatic trading software can work you need to be very careful in how you choose one and this is what were going to look at now
First - if you see great advertising copy which looks to good to true it probably is and chances are you will also see the warning below NEVER consider software with this on it here it is:
"CFTC RULE 4.41 - Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not been executed, the results may have under-or-over compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses similar to those shown".
These track records are not worth the paper their written on - there made up knowing the closing data and that's easy.
I made the mistake 20 years ago of buying software that claimed 100,000 in profits quickly and bought it for under $100.00 -, now looking back I found the old sales copy (which was great) but also the disclaimer but of course being new to the industry and naïve I bought it without considering that it was so cheap and hadn't been traded.
Huge numbers of traders make this mistake and it is guaranteed to lose you money so beware of the disclaimer.
Just think to yourself - if the vendor hasn't had the courage to trade his own software why should you and why if its that good are you being told about it and offered it so cheap? You know the answer now!
What you need to do is look around for software which has either been independently tracked by third party or has been traded for real with an audited track record and that means broker account statements
These software packages will tend to be in the $1 - 10,000 + range and many are well capable of producing more than there cost - but again be careful, only buy ones you understand the logic of and you have confidence to follow.
If you don't have confidence - you won't have the discipline to stick with them through losing periods and will throw in the towel when you hit a few losses. Keep in mind if you don't have the discipline you may as well not have bothered buying one.
Automatic forex trading systems are all the rage today but stop to think before you buy and do your homework and make sure you find one that's tested, you have confidence in and can follow with discipline - if you do that you have a good chance of making some great forex profits.
Why Is The Canadian Dollar Not Strengthening

Inter-market analysis is essentially looking at one market in an attempt to gain an edge in another market. The forex market is the most applicable market in which to conduct inter-market analysis because of the nature of pairs trading and the nature of fiat currencies.
A classic example of inter-market analysis is to buy the currencies of countries who export crude oil when oil prices rise. According to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the top exporters of crude oil are: Saudi Arabia,
European Union, Russia, Norway, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Canada, Mexico.
The Saudi riyal is a fixed exchanged rate, pegged to the U.S. dollar at 3.75 riyals. The European Union imports much more oil than it exports, so the euro isn't a good currency to trade based on oil prices. The Russian ruble isn't liquid. The Norwegian krone is the purest play on crude oil prices, but the currency isn't available for trading through a lot of forex dealers...yet. Neither the UAE dirham nor the Iranian rial are liquid or available. Among the currencies of the biggest oil exporters, the Canadian dollar is the most liquid. Behind the Norwegian krone and Loonie, the Mexican peso is the third best currency with which to play oil.
One of the best ways to the play the Canadian dollar and it's connection to oil prices is through the USD/CAD. That's because oil is priced in U.S. dollars globally, although there have been some moves to price oil in euros in certain parts of the world. As it stands today, oil is still predominantly priced and traded in dollars. So, when the dollar weakens, oil tends to rise; conversely, a strong dollar generally leads to a drop in oil prices.
The USD/CAD, being the proxy for oil that it is, reached a multi-decade low of near 90 cents last November. The Canadian dollar was soaring as crude oil prices approached $100 per barrel in early November. But something happened late last year to break the inter-market relationship between crude oil and the Canadian dollar.
You see, crude oil is trading well above where it was last November, when the USD/CAD was down near 90 cents. Crude oil has since risen by about $15 per barrel, but the USD/CAD has actually moved higher, meaning the Canadian dollar has weakened.
The Canadian dollar's weakness isn't specific to the USD/CAD pair. You can observe general weakness in the CAD across the EUR/CAD, CAD/CHF, CAD/JPY, AUD/CAD, etc.
Returning to the USD/CAD, the pair has gyrated around par (1.0000) since rebounding from 90 cents late last year. Meanwhile, oil has moved increasingly higher, reaching a new record today! Yet the CAD is not strengthening. Why?
It's more important to consider why the CAD isn't strengthening than to actually answer the question, or to find a justification for the recent breakdown in the inter-market relationship. By simply observing the breakdown in the relationship, we might be able to gain an edge and spot an opportunity in the USD/CAD, or any other CAD-related pair, in the coming weeks and months.
My first inclination is to short the CAD vis-à-vis a long USD/CAD position because the CAD has lagged the most recent rise in crude oil prices. My thinking is that if crude oil at $113 can't strengthen the CAD, what will? But I'd like to see some weakness in crude oil before executing the trade.
Of course the other opportunity that might arise from the recent breakdown in the relationship between crude and the Canadian dollar is a rebound in the CAD. The CAD could play catch-up to crude oil, which would mean a significant decline in the USD/CAD. But I won't get interested in shorting the USD/CAD until it at least breaks down below 99 cents.
Either way, I can afford to be patient and wait for the right signal because when it comes, there should be an easy, long-lasting trend to follow. Whenever I've seen a breakdown in strong inter-market relationships, such as the linkage between the CAD and crude, it's usually a precursor to a big economic or government policy change and, consequently, a big move in the currency.
My hunch is that the CAD is going to weaken, and by a lot, but I'm going to be patient and wait for the signal before placing a trade on just a hunch. The 50 and 100 pip box size charts are good point and figure charts to watch over the coming weeks and months. We should see an obvious signal on one, or both, of these charts.
Forex Currency Trading - How To Make Consistent Profits In 4 Simple Steps
Step 1 - It's up to YOU
No one can give you success for no effort so forget all the automatic forex trading systems and forex robots people try and sell you on the net which for a few hundred dollars are going to make you rich - they won't!
Mind you, if you are serious about forex trading you knew the above already so, what you need to do it to this.
Step 2 - Work Smart NOT Hard
Forget about all the mentors or gurus trying to sell you secrets there are none - forex trading is down to learning the right information and getting the right forex education. This should not take long a couple of weeks maximum.
Keep in mind you don't get paid for effort in forex trading, you get paid for being right and that's all.
Many traders make the mistake of thinking the harder they work, the more they make - Not true, that may apply in a 9 - 5 job but not in forex, currency trading.
Once you have learned the right information you then need to have a forex trading strategy you have confidence in and can trade for profit.
Step 3 Your Forex Trading System for Gains
Many novice forex traders think building a forex trading system is hard not so you can build a simple, robust profitable quickly and you need to keep it simple!
Simple strategies work best as they are more robust than complicated ones with fewer elements to break in the brutal real time world of trading.
A good way to start is with a simple breakout system.
This is a timeless way to make money and is easy to understand, implement and will make you money. We don't have time to discuss in full here - but look up breakouts, support and resistance add some momentum indicators and your all set - we have covered building a system in other articles, just look them up.
Keep in mind this once you have your system you have one key element you must pay attention to and that's:
Step 4 - Get the Mindset for Success
While a robust simple trading system will work, you still need to apply it with discipline.
Discipline is the real key to long term gains. If you don't have the discipline to apply your forex trading system, you don't have a system - Period!
If you have built your own forex trading system, you will have confidence in it - this is vital for you to stay with your system through periods of losses ( don't believe anyone who tells you can make a regular income - you will have losing periods that's life) with discipline to achieve long term success.
The Challenge is there are You UP For It?
Forex, currency trading is not hard if you work smart and get a simple robust system you can apply with discipline.
Most traders thing other people can give them success - that's not life your on your own but with the rewards on offer that's the best place to be.
If you have desire, a willingness to work smart and the mental attitude to succeed, you can make big gains at forex, currency trading and enjoy success - its as simple as that.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Learn Forex Trading - These Traders Made Millions After 2 Weeks Training!

Legendary trader Richard Dennis set out to prove that anyone could learn forex trading with the right education and mindset - he believed that traders were made not born and set out to prove his point.
He gathered a group of people together who only had one thing in common - they had never traded before. They included a security card, some professional card players, an actor a female auditor and a kid fresh from school just to name a few.
The Results
After 14 days of trading education he set them off to trade and the result was:
They made $100 million for him in just 4 years and went on to make a lot more and become some of the most famous traders of all time.
The Education
So what did Dennis teach them? He taught them a very simple forex trading method which was basically a long term breakout strategy combined with rigorous money management rules to preserve equity.
Dennis knew however that a trading system is not enough to succeed its having the discipline to follow it through long periods that is. He made sure the traders he taught knew how and why the system worked and even when it lost he taught them to stick with it and not deviate from the rules.
Rules are rules and must be followed with discipline - if you don't have the discipline
This took him just 14 days and the rest is history.
What You CAN Learn
There are several lessons that you can learn and the salient ones are outlines below.
1. Everything about forex trading can be learned
If you have the willingness to apply yourself. OK you may not become as successful as this group - but there is a big difference between something being impossible and something being achievable.
2. Simple systems work best!
Today many people think that the more complicated a system is the more likely it is to be successful - but this is simply not true. Simple systems have always worked best and always will, because they are more robust with fewer elements to break.
He also taught rigid money management and made the first priority the protection of capital. If you lose what you have you can't trade anymore.
It's a bit like the old obvious gambling saying - to win you need to bet - but you can't bet, if you don't have any chips! Obvious but true, so you play great defence first and the profits will come, when the right opportunities present themselves.
3. Discipline is the key
You will here it time and time again how discipline is the key to forex trading success and it is - if you don't have the discipline to follow your method you have no method.
Discipline comes from confidence in what you are doing, this is why he taught the turtles how and why the system worked and didn't tell them to follow it blindly.
Trading success comes from within and this means acquiring confidence and discipline.
So if you want to learn forex trading correctly, learn from the turtles:
The potential is huge, you only need a simple system, good money management and most importantly - the confidence and the discipline to apply what you have learned.
The reason most traders never succeed is they never learn the importance of the latter and want to follow others - but you don't get these traits following others, they come from within.
By: kelly Price
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Forex Robots - Learn To Spot Curve Fitted Systems Or Lose

So what is curve fitting?
Curve fitting is testing a system over back data and bending the rules of the system to fit the data. This is similar to shooting at a barn door with a blindfold on and then drawing a bulls-eye around everyone afterwards!
Most forex robots you see are curve fitted and a good clue is - if you see the disclaimer below with the track record read it very carefully!
"CFTC RULE 4.41 - Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not been executed, the results may have under-or-over compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses similar to those shown".
Check any forex trading system you buy for the above and if you see it the track record is meaningless.
Anyone can make a profit in hindsight and bend the rules to fit the data in a back tested simulation - its easy.
The problem is vendors simply make up track records and curve fit them, knowing they will lose in real time (if they had confidence in them, they would of course trade them themselves and have a real one), these robots rely on clever marketing copy and the fact that most traders simply don't read the small print. These traders are either naïve, greedy or both and pay for it in the market.
If you must want to trade an automated forex trading system, make sure it has a real time track record - but beware - there few and far between and expensive. You don't get good performance for a few hundred dollars.
Even if you do find one, make sure you have confidence in how and why it works so you can follow it with discipline.
A Better Way To Trade?
Another way to trade is to simply make your own forex trading system and this is much easier to do than many traders think. You can soon get a simple robust system together and be making some great FX Profits and we will cover this in the next article in this series.
In conclusion be very careful of forex robots that promise you huge gains with low risk, for a few hundred dollars - they don't work long term, are curve fitted and as you can see from this article, your clue to avoid them is in the disclaimer.
FREE ESSENTIAL FOREX TRADING STRATEGIES AND PDF DOWNLOADS For free 2 x trading Pdf's with 90 of pages of essential info and more on Forex Trading Robots visit our website at: www.learncurrencytradingonline.com
Automatic Forex Trading Systems - Finding The Best For Profits

If you want to get rid of 99% of systems advertised on the net which are destined to lose - look for the disclaimer below and pass it by.
Read the disclaimer carefully:
"CFTC RULE 4.41 - Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not been executed, the results may have under-or-over compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses similar to those shown".
An automatic forex trading system that carries the above note in relation to performance ( or similar) means it has NEVER been traded for real and simply simulated in hindsight and that of course is easy. We could all be rich beyond our wildest dreams if we had tomorrow's price today, but forex trading is a little bit harder - we need to trade not knowing the future!
The forex trading systems that you see for a few hundred dollars and sold on the net with extraordinary track records always carry the above.
You can find some with real track records and these are the ones you should seek out.
Sure, past performance doesn't guarantee future results but if you are like me at least it shows the vendor has had the confidence to trade it!
If you do find one with a track record of real gains, make sure you are happy with the track record and you understand how and why the system works, so you can follow it with discipline.
A Better Way to Make Forex Profits
There is another route get your own together and trade it - building a forex trading system is not as hard as ,many traders think and we have covered this in our other articles.
You can of course get some free automatic trading systems and one of the best is Richard Donchian's 4 week rule.
This is a simple powerful system devised by the father of modern trend following - Richard Donchian and it's been used as a base by many of the world's top traders and is so simple:
All it postulates is the 4 week cycle can be traded in any currency or commodity.
All you do is buy a 4 week high and go long, or sell a 4 week low and go short - that's it!
Sounds simple - it is and you don't even need a computer package to do it, you can do it by hand. Does it work? Back test it and see.
Simple forex trading systems work as they are more robust than complicated ones with fewer elements to break. The above is simple - but don't think that it doesn't make money, it does.
If you want to follow an automatic forex trading system find one with a real time record but a better way in our view is to build your own or use a free one like the 4 week rule - the 4 week rule has made money and will continue to do so unlike the systems sold with simulated track records and of course it's free - look it up and test it and you maybe surprised at how much money it makes.
For free 2 x trading Pdf's with 90 of pages of essential info and more on Automatic Forex Trading Systems visit our website at: www.learncurrencytradingonline.com
Friday, March 7, 2008
Free Online Forex Trading Courses
Over recent years online Forex trading has now become big business and
certainly in the financial sector this is the biggest market of all in the
world. The reason why this market has grown compared to the many other financial
markets is because of the rise in the number of traders working online rather
than using the more traditional method of trading by using the phone. Because of
this increase there are a number of sites which are now offering to people the
chance of learning about this through taking free online Forex trading courses.
However as with a lot of things in life today sometimes the best things in life
are not for free and certainly the same could be said for many of these courses.
When you are considering taking an online forex trading course, there are a
number of things that you will need to take into consideration.
1. Who is offering this course?
2. Just why is it they are offering to provide you with a book to learn about
Forex trading for free?
3. Are they actually offering this course because they are promoting a
particular trading site and then want you to enroll on it?
4. Once you begin to read the book do you find that they are being extremely
pushy when it comes to actually getting you to use a particular website to
invest your money in?
The answers that you provide to the above questions will help to show you just
how honest the information being provided to you for free is.
One way of discovering if the free online forex trading course that you are
looking at is of the highest standard is by looking at how much of the
information contained within it is replicated elsewhere. You will soon learn
that a lot of the information you find in some of the free online forex trading
course books can easily be found when you search the net.
So rather than using these books or courses to teach you how to trade on the
Forex market instead use the advice and articles about the subject that are
being offered on other sites. Plus why not join one of the many forums that have
been set up and discuss your issues with some of the people here. They are
people who have been trading on the Forex market for some time and will often
offer you the best advice when it comes to finding a suitable course for
learning about Forex trading.
Certainly the better free online Forex trading courses are those that do not
limit themselves to telling you about how one company trades. Rather it should
be providing you with views of all the sites that are available and which are
run by established companies. Any such courses should be prepared to provide you
with everything that you need to know about the world of Forex trading and not
restrict you to using the services of just one or the abilities of one company.
Forex Day Trading System - Why Don't Day Trading Systems Ever Make Profits?
Forex day trading systems are popular and there are numerous ones for sale on
the net and they make big claims but never have a track record that's real, its
always simulated in hindsight - why don't they make money lets find out...
Here is the disclaimer you always see and it's not worth the paper it's written
on in terms of helping you make profits:
CFTC RULE 4.41 - Hypothetical or simulated performance
results have certain limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated
results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not been
executed, the results may have under-or-over compensated for the impact, if any,
of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs
in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit
of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely
to achieve profit or losses similar to those shown".
All the track records you see on day trading systems carry this or a similar
All it means is - the vendor can make money by having the closing prices to hand
and simulate (make up) an appealing track record. You never see a simulation
The reason is you, me or my seven year old niece, could make money knowing the
closing prices.
Of course this is why these systems never make money, because in real life you
have to trade not knowing the closing prices!
You have to wonder why any forex trader would buy a forex trading system from a
vendor, when the vendor hasn't got the confidence to trade it himself - but they
do, in huge numbers and are blinded by greed and fear.
So why doesn't day trading work?
Common sense really, you have countless millions of forex traders who all think
differently and this vast diverse mass make the price. You can't possibly hope
to measure what such a diverse base of people will do in a day or less.
Anyone who says they can - ask for their real long term track record to prove
Volatility is random in short time frames and as prices can go anywhere in a day
session, therefore you can never get the odds on your side and never win.
How to Win
If you want to make money at forex trading do not base your forex trading
strategy on day trading. If you want to win either, swing trade and look for
moves lasting between a few days and around a week or long term trend follow.
Both the above can work day trading doesn't.
So leave forex day trading systems to the naïve and greedy traders who think
forex trading is easy - go and get yourself some sensible forex education and
trade longer term for forex success.
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Friday, February 29, 2008
Web-Programming: An Alternative To Unproductive Advertising
As of this writing the television writers in Hollywood are on strike. The
significance of this strike will be felt far beyond the current television
season and impact what and where people will get their entertainment in the
future. People are now not only embracing the Web for their information needs
but are also increasingly turning to it for their entertainment needs as well.
The Web will soon be 'the place' that fills the programming vacuum that network
broadcasters have been unwilling and/or unable to fulfill. People were prepared
to tolerate constant reruns, dreadful programming, and incessant repetitive ads
as long as there was no alternative, but that is no loner the case. Viewers now
have an option to bad television and it's the Web, but why should you care and
more importantly how can you take advantage of the opportunity it creates?
Why Should You Care?
Information and entertainment have melded in recent years creating what has been
dubbed 'infotainment.' It can be argued that the evening news has become more
entertainment than hard news and let's not even get into venues like the History
Channel where fact and fiction seem to be presented in equal and
indistinguishable doses. So what does all this have to do with you and how you
deliver your marketing message?
The time is coming, if it is not here already, that companies will not be able
to get away with merely uploading online brochures and catalogues, or even
extensive screeds singing the praises of every feature and benefit associated
with their offering. People demand more, they insist your website be
interesting, informative, and entertaining; and it is this aspect of
entertainment that potentially makes your marketing presentation memorable.
What Is Web-Programming?
Web-programming takes the creative Web-video campaign concept and pushes it one
step further up the evolutionary marketing scale by integrating the message into
a programming environment.
This concept is not an entirely new idea, in fact one of the most noted
television commercial campaigns of 1991 was the Taster's Choice soap opera-like
series of spots that wove the marketing message into a courtship relationship
between two apartment neighbors. In an environment where information and
entertainment blur, it seems like an ideal solution to capturing an audience's
attention and interest, and creating a viral buzz that few products or services
can generate by presenting a bulleted list of features.
Build Brand Relationships
James E. Aisner, in his article 'More Than A Name: The Role of Brands in
People's Lives' (HBS Working Knowledge For Business Leaders) references the
research of Harvard Business School Professor, Susan M. Fournier, "Fournier has
created a typology of fifteen different types of relationships between consumers
and their brands." These brand relationships include the secret affair, the best
friend, kinship, the fling, courtship, the marriage-of-convenience, casual
friendship, childhood friendship, mother and child, and master-slave.
What kind of relationship does your brand have with your audience? Is it a
short-term fling that starts with a lot of heat and passion and then quickly
cools-off, or is it a long-term marriage that will last a lifetime? Finding, and
promoting the most appropriate and beneficial brand relationship is the
marketing goal of your Web-programming marketing initiative.
Part of the problem many smaller organizations have in developing successful
marketing campaigns is that they think in terms of products and services rather
than brands; features and benefits rather than relationships. Almost every
product or service on the market can be replaced with a competitive substitute,
but brands are much harder to replace; brands create a competitive barrier
through the development of relationships based on prototypical psychological and
emotional factors, the same kinds of factors that govern your personal
Generate Trust, Confidence, Loyalty and Passion
In his article, "A Brand New You," (Psychology Today), W. Eric Martin tells us
that brands came into vogue in the post Civil War era as a response to an
increasing mobile population that began to lose touch with local merchants and
shopkeepers. Brands became a substitute for the personal relationships that
people had with their suppliers. This seemingly minor historic fact helps us
understand the significance of brands in today's Web-centric marketplace.
Today's consumer-client, whether retail or business-to-business is more remote,
more isolated from the supplier than ever before. The Web allows us to market
our products and services anywhere in the world, but in order to actually make a
sale, we must establish a relationship that generates a sufficient level of
trust, confidence, loyalty and passion. Sneer if you will at the passion and
loyalty most Macintosh users have for their computers, but what other computer
company can claim such brand allegiance?
Relationships Are Based On Psychological Needs
At the heart of any relationship is the emotional or psychological need that
that relationship fulfills. If you haven't found that connection in what you do
then you are at a definite competitive disadvantage; and you are competing on
the most fickle and transient of factors: price and features. In business, there
will always be someone who is prepared to sell a substitute product or service
for less, or with more bells and whistles. So why would you ever want to compete
on that basis?
It really doesn't matter what business you're in, there is always some emotional
or psychological component to what you do. The iPod is the market leader in its
category despite numerous competitors; it holds that position not because it's
the cheapest, which it definitely isn't, or the product with the most features,
which it probably is, but because it's an iPod - not a tool but a status symbol,
a badge of intelligence and taste, a brand relationship akin to being a member
of the coolest club in town.
Web-programming Development
In short, Web-programming is a marketing campaign based on a series of episodic
Web-videos tied together by plotline and character development; an ongoing
initiative that weaves into its storyline the marketing pitch. The integration
of the marketing pitch can be done subtly using product placement techniques or
overtly making the pitch part of the story arc.
This marketing technique is not for everyone; it is certainly not for the
unsophisticated or for the marketer who is afraid to experiment or to take a
If you are looking for an instant direct financial return like a big sale sign
in your storefront window then you are not looking for marketing, you're looking
for promotions. Marketing is all about building a brand relationship with your
audience. The more time and effort you invest in marketing, the more solid your
brand relationship will be, and the more appropriate the clients you'll attract
and keep.
Web-programming - Where To Begin
There are four minimal requirements needed to create an episodic Web-video
marketing campaign: need identification, point-of-view, attitude, and
transformation. These are the same elements defined by Syd Field, the
well-respected author, producer, screenwriter, and lecturer, in his book, "The
Screenwriter's Workbook;" and they are the same elements that all top-notch
salesmen use to build client-relationships - ask yourself - have you ever met a
top salesman who wasn't a great storyteller?
Need Identification
Like all episodic series yours will need a hero or protagonist; this is the
person your audience will identify with and who will act as their surrogate.
Your protagonist must be searching for something that relates to the emotional
or psychological need fulfilled by your product or service. Anyone who has ever
had to deal with an insurance company certainly understands the Geico caveman's
need for respect. His frustration is the perfect foil for the company's
marketing message, 'it's so easy a caveman can do it.' We are all cavemen at
heart, seeking respect from big business bureaucracies that make us jump through
hoops just to place an order.
You must present your material from a particular point-of-view. Is your
presentation told from the protagonist's point-of-view or is it told from an
objective observer's, perhaps through voice-over. It can even be
counter-intuitive and be told from an antagonist's point-of-view.
If your scenario is more procedural based, you can even present it from
different points-of-view each delivering alternative perspectives, each
highlighting different aspects of the emotional fulfillment.
Attitude is especially important for Web-based presentations, but it is also one
of the scariest aspects of marketing for the faint-of-heart. All too often
businesses shy away from bold statements, or extreme displays for fear of
alienating some segment of the audience, but it's attitude that grabs people's
attention, makes the presentation memorable, and qualifies leads and inquiries.
One of the hardest things a commercial-based episodic series has to deal with is
story arc. What change takes place over the life of the series and is the
campaign concept strong enough to sustain itself? What transformation takes
place? Does your protagonist find fulfillment or does he fail to find the
emotional or psychological answer he's looking for. If you're not sure what
deep-seated need your product or service satisfies, find the conflict.
All stories are based on conflict, frustration, and desire, whether it's the
search for 'whiter whites' or better insurance. If your concept is without
conflict, you are not illustrating the need for your solution.
You can show successful transformation based on the adoption of your solution or
you can show failure whichever works best for what you're marketing and the
audience you are trying to attract.
The Web has from its infancy provided business with enormous marketing
opportunities. As the Web's capabilities increase over time, these opportunities
increase as well. As much as other media tries to adapt to the competitive
pressures created by the Web, old methods and attitudes die-hard; the writer's
strike being just one example of a group trying to maintain dominance in an
environment they cannot control. The opportunities are there to make your
marketing mark if you have the courage to act.